Monday, July 14, 2008

In "The Shack"

I first heard about William P. Young's book The Shack from a dear friend and quickly became eager to read it. To my surprise, I discovered the book at home while visiting my family for the weekend. My dad got it as a gift from my sister, and when he was finished, she took it back. And I took it from her. A gift that keeps on giving, I suppose. I started reading it last night, and finished just a few minutes ago. I'm not much of a reader, but this book captured my imagination and my desire to understand God. I want to leave you with a few quotes that left an impression on me, but I will try not to reveal too much, so that you are able to enjoy and experience The Shack fully for yourself.
Life takes a bit of time and a lot of relationship.

You, on the other hand, were created to be loved. So for you to live as if you were unloved is a limitation, not the other way around.

Such a powerful ability, the imagination! [...] But without wisdom, imagination is a cruel taskmaster.


Anonymous said...

I have heard so much about this book! Do you recommend it?! I'm thinking it would be especially good as an RA this year... I'd love to hear more of what you think!

How's your summer going? I am absolutely loving working at Camp of the Woods in NY.

Cindy said...

I would really recommend it! It's not like the next "Great American Novel" or anything... but it's a different and refreshing approach to understanding faith and our relationship with God. I would suggest reading with a sense of openness though - it has a way of challenging Christian stereotypes of God.